Ephesians  4:27

and do not give the devil an opportunity. 

One too many people dismiss the reality of the Devil, or downplay his wickedness, yet the Bible is clear that the Devil’s presence wreaks all kinds of havoc….when we allow Him to do so.

Referring back to the previous verse on anger:  when we allow it to go unchecked it doesn’t only damage relationships, but opens up a pandora’s box of problems

Yet, these problems are not easily recognized, such as adapting to the inconveniences of life, and gradually settling for the status quo, while accepting mediocrity as the norm.  

Now this does not need to happen if we begin to mind God’s word and start noticing the small stuff that is just not right.

Granted, having such discernment comes by faith, which God has already gifted us with.  And it is the only way to undercut the Devil’s schemes

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