Ephesians 5:12

for it is disgraceful even to speak of the things which are done by them in secret. 

Some things are best left unsaid. Knowing about someone’s sin should not bring us to the point of gossiping about it, for doing so only prolongs Evil’s hold on those who focus on it. 

Speaking of such things can bring us into a place of judging the other person, of inadvertently esteeming ourselves as better than that person. 

A wise man once told me that when I saw a person in sin that that was a reminder to make it a matter of prayer for God had a much bigger stake in that person’s soul than did my feeble, well-intentioned, poorly thought through attempts to address his sin  

Now, I know that some of you might just still love to talk about another’s misfortune under the guise of wanting to help that person, but if you are in this camp of people, I urge you to, then, take those concerns –every last one of them –and bring them to God in desperate prayer. 

What might God do with such a person then? 


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