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Today we will be looking at Ephesians 4:29, which reads:

29 Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification according to the need of the moment, so that it will give grace to those who hear.


Ephesians 4-29 Gracefilled relationships When we have been wronged by someone, it is hard to look that person in the eyes and say something nice. And, yet, this is exactly what we are told to do.

Now doing the right thing does not suggest that we are earning good marks in order to be saved. Rather, this and the other Christian virtues are predicated by already having received grace.

Yet, while Saving Grace is the foundation of our moral behavior, we must take care to not cheapen Grace through any sort of indifference when we fail to follow through with this command because the moral imperative to be nice is dipped in the blood of Christ so that it remains clear that our interactions with others mirrors the very relationship we have with Christ.

Trying to wrap our minds around being saved by Grace while putting forth effort in this walk by faith will become needlessly complicated if you don’t already experienced renewed life through Jesus Christ our Savior and Lord


Yours in Christ,



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