Ephesians 5:4

and there must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks.

We must do our best to live by the adage ‘if you have nothing good to say, say nothing’. Not easy.  Not always done.

But, if we could just sit still long enough, and ponder all those dicey conversations we have had, we just might begin to see that God has never left us even in the midst of these uncomfortable times with others

And that, alone, could bring about a heart of gratitude that God really is in charge and that regardless of where we find ourselves in that present pickle of a snarly relationship, that God Himself is showing us the way through.

At present, we can never get into too much trouble where God is no longer there, for today is the day to give thanks.  Tomorrow may never come, and tomorrow may just be too late.   So, let’s do all we can today to hear and obey God’s leading.  

This is the reason we can give thanks.  

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