Ephesians  4:31

Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, violent assertiveness and slander, along with all spitefulness

Now, let’s remember that these words are directed to Christians!

Now, we know we are not perfect but reading this list of evils can make the hair on the back of our necks stand up as we sputter and stammer, “I am not that bad”

Yet when considering how we would like to grade ourselves in keeping ourselves from these evils, we must remember that God does not grade on the curve, that His standard is perfection, and, therefore, we need to Get. Of. It. All.  

…or, else, we will grieve he Holy Spirit

Getting rid of it all, though, demands a lot of work on our part, but not a work of trying to earn our salvation.  Rather the work is to submit our lives to God…down to the last scruple.  

That is the only way that we could ever even imagine getting rid of all these vices.

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