Ephesians 5:6 

Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. 

Deception blindsides us because we don’t know that we  have been deceived until AFTER we have been duped 

But …there is a way not become blindsided… , and it will take a lot of effort on our part.

Namely, we need to be ever watchful for those who try to sweet talk us with empty promises, trying their best to paint for us an idyllic life if we only do something.  

In addition to this, we need to be mindful of God’s promises, His Spirit and His Word that give our life direction and meaning.

Empty words, friend, will captivate us when our hearts are not set on seeking the Lord.

I urge you, in closing, to not let anything keep you from knowing God.  For deception is always lurking to snatch us up.

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