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I will be talking about Psalms 37:5 which reads:
Commit your way to the Lord. Trust in Him and He will do it.

Now this type commitment is not asking God to bless all the plans we made and, and then expecting Him to honor our efforts for the end result does not justify the means. For example, would a loving parent justify their child’s commitment to work if they discover he was dealing with drugs?

I don’t think do

Rather, God is commanding us to a commitment that begins at the present moment as we abandon our hopes, our uncertainties, our very life into His hands. And, as this happens, our trust in Him will grow because we have chosen to not allow ourselves to be conformed to knowing Him in some sort of rudimentary, superficial manner as one whom we utter prayers to only on certain occasion or in stress filled predicaments

My dear friends, as you and I learn to commit all our life to God to even the smallest of details, we will find that our trust in Him will grow and we will be amazed at how he works all things out.

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