Personal Reflections on Pastor Mike’s Sermon

Living or Existing

Tree_of_Life_logoHere is the question we face on a daily basis:  do we exist, or are we living life to the fullest?  You know what I mean.

Are we just going through the motions of doing our jobs, or are we fully engaged?

When we are with our families for meals, are we listening to conversations, or just physically in the room?

Do we attend church because ‘that is what our family does on Sunday mornings’, or  because we want to serve one another as we learn more about worshipping God?

Now, if you don’t care about the above questions, just stop here because the rest of this post will be a waste of your time. However, if things like these questions bother you, read on. Read on! (more…)

Did God Really say THAT?

imagesThe other day, at church, Pastor Mike exhorted us towards discovering and using the gifts that God has given us. And this made me think of a previous article I wrote AND promise I made to you.

Knowing about the His gifts -and even what your gifts are- is not the same as sensing fulfillment and peace in actually using them.  Over the years, I have seen too wide a chasm between this:  the intellectual assent of one’s giftedness and his actual follow-through in exercising that/those gifts, which brings me to the subject matter today: (more…)

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