So, I was talking with my brother, Theo, after church today and he reminded me that God inhabits the praises of His people.  Hmmm.

Yet You are holy,
O You who are enthroned upon the praises of Israel.

Psalms 22:3 NASB


How many of us want to know God more, want to experience Him in a deeper way?  And yet, we fall into the trap of striving more, becoming more engaged in ministries, reading the Bible through in less than a year, going out of our way to help others, attend church…

But, we allow all our efforts, all our to-do lists override the simply profound fact that God loves…not your to-do list, BUT YOU.


Didn’t Jesus say that the true worshippers are those who worship Him in spirit and truth? (John 4:22-23)

This is not rocket science, so…what is stopping us?


Blessings on your journey


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