Ephesians 5:1

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children;

A number of years ago I read a book called Children are Wet Cement, which made the point that – like wet cement, children are moldable and impressionable

And, then couple that with a child who is beloved and you will see natural spontaneity , an eagerness to explore new adventures, and an implicit trust in their parents.  

Do you have that type of relationship with your Heavenly Father, or do you find yourself being overly cautious to the point of limiting your experiences of faith to what you have deemed acceptable theology?

We must remember that we always need to place our thoughts of God against the backdrop of what the Bible says, namely

  • And,  that while our Heavenly Father who calls us to Himself, also shows people who have not received His grace and mercy to the door of Hell for their eternal punishment. 
  • that while our Lord is called the lion of Judah, He is not a tamed lion.  
  • that while the Holy Spirit brings healing, also purges His people in His Fire.  

This is our God whom we are called to imitate. 

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