Ephesians 5:15

Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise,

Carefulness is wise counsel, my brother and sister.  Too often what we know about the Bible is not lived out. Rather, we are impetuous, or lazy to grasp the significance of the moment we are in

So, we are given this command, to be careful, namely to weigh out the ramifications of our actions so that our witness for Christ in the situation we are in will have a most marked effect for everyone present…for  we will not get any do-overs in this life.  

Now, while we never want to make light of repentance and forgiveness, once our actions have been taken, or our words uttered:  We. Can. Never. Undo. Them.

So…be careful.  

  • Let the spirit of the Living God guide you each day.  
  • Don’t fall into the trap of trying to do everything perfectly,  
  • Rather, be ever mindful that your loving heavenly Father wants to see you flourish in this life so that others, also, will know Him in an intimate way.


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