Ephesians  4:26

Be angry, and yet do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger,

One of the biggest misconceptions is that anger IS sin; yet the Bible does not state this. 

Rather…anger is an emotion that is aroused when we are faced with an injustice which we want to see stopped.  

But, the manner in which we display this CAN BECOME sinful if we were to lash out with harsh words or destructive actions

Yet, while anger is not sin we do well to let it go at the end of the day because its intensity -if left unchecked- would bring us to harm. 

Friend, without a righteous anger, bad things would become worse, Christians would not seek discipline, and every one would do what they thought to be right

In Conclusion, the emotion of anger can be mightily used in us by the Spirit of God to display God’s calling out the many evils in our society in a redemptively powerful way  

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