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Good day, this is Michael De Rosa, and we will be looking at Isaiah 55:12, which reads:
“For you will go out with joy
And be led forth with peace;
The mountains and the hills will break forth into shouts of joy before you,
And all the trees of the field will clap their hands.

The way that I am wired, I wake up many mornings being overwhelmed; and, so, I literally am desperate to spend time with God, reading His word, and meditating on it. This brings me joy because it allows me to know, again, that all of my anxieties I can cast upon Him.

And His Joy helps get my thoughts re-centered on Him, because I exchanged those overwhelming and nagging thoughts for His peace.

So that even the big or small stressors of the day, my mountains and hills, become stepping stones for me to experience that God really is sovereign in all things.

Now remember I only arrive at His joy and peace as I continually put my frail humanity on the altar.

So, the very thing that is trying to take me down, the very thing that you struggle with can become the very tool that God uses for you to find His joy and peace

Categories: Isaiah 55:12

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