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Let’s look at Psalms 37:6
He will bring forth your righteousness as the light
And your judgment as the noonday.

Now…waiting for God to vindicate your life that is devoted to Him will be unbearable if you fill it with worry and other unwholesome thoughts. But…God has provided his victorious hope-filled way through this wait time. Let me give an analogy:

As you wait for a sumptuous meal to be served you, your thoughts are not on worrisome things about the quality of the food, or if the actual food items are available. Rather, your thoughts are filled with hope-filled anticipation of it delightful taste when it is done…in its perfect time

Oh, my friends, let us rejoice NOW because we know that God is ever present with us and that He will vindicate us in His perfect time as He masterfully orchestrates things in and around your life your so that more people will know His glory through your witness

May our prayer this day be: Have your own way Lord in my life

Blessings on your Journey, -Michael K. De Rosa
Categories: Psalm 37:6

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