imagesRemember the 4 Spiritual Laws from Campus Crusade for Christ. I have a copy of it on my desk and I quote the first law:  “God loves you and has a wonderful plan your life”?

This IS wonderful, but only when we dig into that ‘wonderful’.  So, let’s dig.

It can get pretty exciting, pretty fast, when we begin to immerse ourselves in His word that highlights the fact that we have gifts, that we are unique, and that God is faithful to bring about His purpose in our lives.

For instance, when was the last time you wondered why other people just did not see life the way you saw it?  Or, why it is easier for you to accomplish a certain task than it is for others doing the same task?  Or, why do you thoroughly enjoy a certain hobby, while others could care less about it?

If, we REALLY believe that that is just the way God made us, then let’s follow up that statement with ‘Why did He make us this way?’

Think about that until I get back in the following weeks, when I will begin unpacking Scripture that will help us in the new year to see that God’s wonderful plan for us is something that has been tailored made for us since our birth, and that we will be DELIGHTED once we uncover this

In the meantime, let me know you think about all this.  Let’s talk.


Blessings in your journey



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