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Psalm 37:22
For those blessed by Him will inherit the land, but those cursed by Him will be eliminated.

Inheritance indicates that someone planned to give you something when they passed away. And, while inheritances can be challenged, as this one is, it will not be overturned

For this inheritance is from God and it is two fold: the here and now, and the after-life.

Here and now God has given us a prelude of better things to come, such as His Joy and Peace during troubling times. Are these qualities evident in you right now during this pandemic?

Then, there is the inheritance of Heaven. And God alone is the judge of who gets there. Do you know, friend, if you will be there?

Next, let’s look at the later part of this verse. The image of someone being cursed is horrific. Yet, if we downplay who is actually cursed, or if we dismiss their judgment, we will be answerable for this.

My dear friends, may you who are hearing my voice access your spiritual condition by reading God’s Holy Word

Categories: Psalm 37:22

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