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Good day, this is Michael De Rosa, and we will be looking at Psalm 37:19
They will not be ashamed in the time of evil, and in the days of famine they will have plenty.

When trouble comes, Christian, we do not need to be undone. And when the landscape around us looks bleak, we can rest in the knowledge that God will continue to care for us.

Now, while this does not imply that we will not be scarred, the very scars we get from the troubles and bleakness around us can become stepping stones for us to draw closer to God

For we see that the Psalmist continues to paint the glorious scene that regardless of what life throws at us, we are more than overcomers.

Now, this truth takes hold of us as we roll up our sleeves by taking God at his Word, choose to live each day with unwavering faith, and then walk in that light.

Yes, I dare say that until we come to a problem that we can not solve, we will never need to trust God to solve our problems

Who is handling your troubles today?

Categories: Psalm 37:19

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