images-3I have a confession:  though I love what this Season is all about, I am very saddened by the commercialism with which Society has tainted it.

Black Friday’s have now spread out to terrific buy’s Thursdays, and Cyber Mondays.  Sure, I love getting a good deal, but…when is it time to just pull the plug and say STOP.  

Then, there are some terrific church services during this time:  wonderful worship mixed with great preaching and pointed testimonies.  I love this, but, again, am saddened by those who attend such worships, thinking that now that was what Christmas is all about, while leaving that thought behind at the doorway of the church.

So, if I may, could I have your attention for a few minutes to attempt to recreate in each one of us what Christmas really means.  (Oh, yea, I know others have done the same; and, maybe this article combined with theirs might just help us rekindle the holiness that is meant to be part of the holiday).

Firstly, Christmas is not found exclusively in the narratives of Jesus’s birth.  I think I hear some of you crying ‘HERESY!’, so let me explain…

Christmas is the reality of what God IS DOING through Christ in the lives of people like you and and me.  It is the awakening to the reality that life as we knew it -despair, hopelessness, greed, jealousies, and a the like- is OVER and that the new life -His Life- has come.

Paul writes this out in these words

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.

2 Corinthians 7:15 NASB


And just what is that New Life.  If you say ‘salvation from sin’, I will give you one point…if you stop there.  But, probe deeper, please!  If you are just looking at Christmas as something that freed you from sin, then you see only half the picture.

The other side is the ‘now, how does that affect you?’

What does this mean to you beyond the all too often heard ‘love God and love others’ replies.  Think about this Scripture:

 I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works,And my soul knows it very well.

Since you and I are unique, how we go about  ‘loving God and others’ will not be the same between us.  Here are some questions that can help you to begin to celebrate who God made you to be so that you can have Christmas 365 days a year.

  • What makes your heart sing?
  • If you knew that you could not fail, what would you do?
  • If you had no bills, and were given $200,000 a year, what would you do with this money?

If all this sounds impossible, get a life!

Get His Life

Blessings on your journey


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