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Psalm 37:16:
Better is the little of the righteous than the abundance of many wicked.

There is a great need today for Christians to learn how to be content with God’s daily provisions because far too often we want more.

And desiring more than what God grants is an snare, which Evil will continue to use against us to destroy us

So, never confuse God’s gift of life to you with an open door for success! Christian, I want you know for certain that while others may be tripping over themselves to get all that they think they can’t live without, that Your Heavenly Father already knows what you need for each day.

Christian, may you daily seek for God’s provision for you from the Truth of his Holy Word coupled with the Witness of the Holy Spirit to your spirit.

So, stop comparing yourselves with others for they, like you and me, will be judged by Almighty God for the life He bestowed upon us.

Friend, when you seek the seeming little of God’s daily provision, you will be most amazed at the contentment He gives you

Categories: Psalm 37:16

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