’s be honest.  There are some people who consider ‘having a devotional time’ a bit less painful than having a tooth extracted. Not that they want it this way, but every time they hear that question, ‘how is your devotional time?’, the response is less than lackluster.

In fact, statistics indicate that 35% of Christians read the Bible on a regular basis.  I find that so ironic, given that God has daily wisdom for us to meet all our needs, and we don’t ask Him?

While Christians understand the reasons for devotional time, there is a lot of floundering on how to do it, when to do it, and what to do.  Books have been written about this very concern, but, alas, some individuals still struggle.

May I offer my suggestions on what works for me?

Over my years as a Christian, I keep finding one thing that keeps me focused so that I walk away from my devotional times refreshed and not burnt out or frustrated.  (Now, I still have my days when I struggle with devotions, but they have become less over the years.)

So, here is the step that I try to practice.  Being honest…as seen by facing such questions as:

  • Am I reading off my prayer list of concerns like I am reading the paper, without waiting for God’s spirit to prompt me this way or that regarding the direction of my prayer?
  • Am I jumping over my own concerns in order to ‘do my devotion of reading/praying’, instead of realizing that God knows all, and is able to take me where I am to bring me where He needs me to be?
  • Am I following a devotional format that worked great for someone else, while not considering that due to differences between that individual and me, his way of ‘doing it’ might not be a good fit?
  • Am I afraid to step out of my comfort zone of the way I have been having a devotional time in order to try something different?


So the next time you have a devotional, ask yourself two important questions:  What in the world am I trying to do during this time; and, is it working?

So, what does work for you for this time?


Blessings on your journey




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