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Hope: Psalm 130:5-6

This is Michael De Rosa from the Mountainside Community Church and today I want to look at Psalm 130:5-6 in the wake of the death of a young Christian woman from Indianapolis:

I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait,
And in His word do I hope.
My soul waits for the Lord
More than the watchmen for the morning;
Indeed, more than the watchmen for the morning.

As I drove home from work the other day I heard an interview on the LIGHT radio between the radio host and a pastor, who rushed over to the hospital where this young lady lay dying to find a group of Christians who were experiencing  the HOPE that God alone gives in desperate times.

These Christians were living out the reality of this verse!

The Psalmist, here, describes the resiliency of one who waits for the Lord as a word picture of one who guards a city from her enemies, but welcomes in friends.

In like manner, be vigilant to stop ANYTHING from entering into Your domain that would seek to crush God’s promise of HOPE.

But in like manner, be attentive to everything that would usher in God’s promise of HOPE


When everything is taken from you, my brother and sister, what will be the foundation upon which you stand?

 Blessings on your journey


Categories: Psalm 130:5-6

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